Your burden may be lessened if you carry a credit card in your wallet. Shopping perks, entertainment perks, cashback, brand-specific discounts, and travel perks are some of the most popular perks of a credit card. The Paytm SBI Credit Card Select is the outcome of a collaboration between SBI Bank and Paytm, which comes at a joining fee of Rs.1,499 and is best suited for transactions related to Entertainment, Travel, and Shopping.
- Joining Fee:
Rs. 1,499.
- Annual Fee:
Rs. 1,499.
The benefits of Paytm SBI Credit Card Select are listed below:
Welcome benefits:
You receive a free Paytm First Membership amounting to Rs. 750 once your Paytm SBI Card SELECT has been activated, or just after your initial complete retail payment. Users are eligible to receive rewards of up to Rs. 75,000 through this subscription. Receive Rs. 750 cashback in their Paytm wallet. Following a retail payment, your Paytm First Membership would be enabled.
Lounge access:
Due to the 5% cash back, customers receive when purchasing flights via Paytm, the SBI Paytm Card Select is indeed a smart choice for their traveling requirements. On this card, users may also get free entry to lounges. Up to four domestic airport lounge visits are provided at no cost to customers each year, with one visit every three months. Membership fees for priority pass is also free for cardholders.
EMI option:
You can make a sizable purchase with this Paytm SBI Credit Card Select and pay small sums in installments rather than the entire amount all at once thanks to EMI possibilities. The option is available to cardholders if the transaction amount sums up to Rs. 2,500 or above.
Worldwide acceptance:
If you are a frequent traveler, the Paytm SBI Credit Card Select can help you in your traveling. Other than providing complimentary lounge access this credit card is accepted globally. This card can be used at 3.25 lakh stores in India and 24 million locations globally.
Every retailer that recognizes Visa Cards will welcome this credit card.
Other benefits:
- For purchases ranging from Rs. 500 to Rs. 4,000, the 1% fuel surcharge is waived. A maximum of Rs. 250 in surcharges may be waived every billing cycle and per credit card account.
- Offering a special Cyber Fraud Insurance shield of Rs. 2,000, the Paytm SBI Card SELECT offers an additional level of safety against cybercrime. This is a bonus benefit of this card.
- Due to the 5% cashback customers receive when purchasing flights via Paytm, the SBI Paytm Card Select is indeed a smart choice for their travel requirements as well.
The Paytm SBI Credit Card Select is an ideal fit for people who enjoy shopping, travelling, and entertainment. It has worldwide acceptance and also comes with complimentary lounge access. The welcome benefits are decent given the charges it asks for and with the EMI option offered, it can help you in times when you make any big purchases. Additionally, cardholders can also get an add-on card for their family members who are older than 18 years of age.