A debt trap is a situation in which a person borrows money and is unable to repay it for an extended period of time. Due to interest fees, late payment penalties, etc., this situation results in an increase in the amount owed which creates a debt trap’s negative cycle. It may become quite stressful, exhausting, and frustrating to get sucked into a financial trap. Even though there are ways to escape a debt trap, it’s best to avoid getting trapped in one. One must strike the appropriate balance between using their credit card when one wants to and not going over their credit limit.
Ways to avoid Credit Card Traps:
Understanding your Debts
Analyzing the different kinds of debt you have is one of the most crucial steps. Your ability to handle your debt effectively depends on the nature of your debt. You should pay close attention to your debt categories, repayment period, interest rates, total amount owned, and other factors.
Thinking about Debt Consolidation
Consolidating your debts generally means taking on one debt to pay off all of your other bills. Even though this might seem strange, it might be difficult to remember all the different payment due dates and interest rates. Setting a single payment date at the beginning of the month will also guarantee that you can pay your obligations at the same time as you receive your paycheck. You will have a much better idea of how to use the remaining funds once you have used your monthly salary to pay down the debt for the month.
Clearing your dues on time
By paying off your credit card bills and loan EMIs on time and in full, you can avoid falling into a debt trap in the first place. Paying only the minimum due amount or the partial amount owing on your credit cards may sound appealing at the time, but if you continue this behavior for a very long time, then your risk falling into a debt trap.
Reevaluate your priorities
Once you’ve had a clear understanding of your debt, you must set daily priorities for your expenses. It’s necessary to spend some time considering how important something is to you and where it ranks on the list of your top priorities. If something that you don’t require is at the top of your priority list, it might be time to rethink them.
Building a fund for emergencies
The final and crucial element is establishing an emergency fund. Suppose you have an emergency fund at the correct time you might avoid getting trapped in debt. In order to pay one amount after another, you frequently fall into a debt trap. Additionally, people regularly borrow when they suddenly require a large sum of money for whatever reason, such as a medical emergency, startup capital, etc. You can avoid falling into a debt trap if this pattern is broken early on.
Also Checkout: Question To Ask When Choosing A Credit Card
Watch out for warning indications of your financial limitations to prevent getting trapped in a debt cycle. Early detection of these warning signs, such as being unable to pay bills, living on the edge, not saving money, etc., can help you better arrange your finances and lead a financially healthy life.